Am I ready for a relationship again?
December 23, 2024
So men should always be working on themselves before, during, and after a relationship at all times. We're supposed to be working on ourselves. That's there when you're ready to enter into a relationship and when you're not, when you need more time for self-reflection, and when you feel whole enough to be presenting yourself and going out there. That's a personal decision that every man has to make, and it's going to ebb and flow.

When a relationship ends, you might need some time for self-reflection. You might need some time to gather yourself back together, absolutely.

As far as the things that you learned in the relationship, again, you're probably learning that all the time—before, during, and after. You're going to be learning that as well.

As far as the book, Women Love Unicorns, the book is not really a book about relationships that start and end or all of that type of self-reflection. What the book is really focused on are the effective traits of masculinity that really cause the dynamic interactions with women to come alive. That's what the book is really about.

It's not necessarily designed as a self-help book for men and how to navigate themselves in and out and in and out of relationships and dating and finding yourself and coming back out. That would be a little bit more of a—that would be a sort of book on its own.

The one chapter, Bring Out the Beast, that is about how we activate these ingredients to begin with as a man and how to maintain them throughout the romantic process. But when it comes to grieving the loss of a relationship, honestly, that's a whole other book to write.
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