How can I avoid getting friendzoned?
December 27, 2024
Why Do I Keep Getting Friendzoned?
there's you can't probably can't answer that yourself—you’re going to need feedback from the woman. So, ask her that.

That in itself is already going to make you not just the "nice guy" who is being polite and accepting everything. You're saying, "Hey, I’m actually interested in you romantically. What would it take for you to have some interest in me?"

That doesn’t mean she will necessarily have interest, but having the boldness and exercising the energy it takes to step out and tell her, "I’m not satisfied with being just a friend here," is already going to grab her attention.

I know that. I’ve used that as a sample response sometimes with women—and we’re not in a romantic situation; we’re just talking about dating—and, boy, their ears perk up. They’re like, "Wow, yeah, a guy that asked 'What would it take?' They’re immediately paying attention because most guys are not willing to put themselves out there like that.

So, I would say try that and then use the feedback you get.

It’s really important also, when you do that, to not lay a lot of weight on her to then go, "Okay, so if I do this, that means you’re going to go out with me again, right?" No, that’s not what this is.

You’re asking for information. You’re asking so that you can improve things. You’re asking so that three months from now, six months from now, when you’ve been developing these things, you’re not getting friendzoned anymore.

So, yeah, you’ve got to put it out there. It’s probably going to hurt a little bit, but ask for the information. Otherwise, you’re playing a guessing game in the dark.
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