How do I keep her texting back?
February 6, 2025
If your only texting conversation is with this one woman, you're almost never gonna be satisfied with whatever she gives back. And if you're inherently not satisfied, hungry, eager, and really kind of desperate for more, she's gonna sense that. She's gonna feel it, and she's gonna wanna give less because the more she gives, the more it feels like you're just taking it in.

If you want her to keep texting you back, one, you wanna be fun and light. Give her illustrations of what's going on in your life—give her pictures, images, concrete things. You showed up in a place, something weird happened, and you texted her out of the blue. It's like a flash of something interesting, amusing, or unexpected coming into her life. You're showing her that you're actually active in your life.

That's what actually engages a woman. She wants to have that emotional connection with somebody who's doing something with their life. When you send her a tiny little message—not an actual picture like you take with your phone, but some words that convey a picture to her just out of the blue—that's the way to go about it.

You don't wanna be texting, "Hey, how are you today?" Oh, you definitely don't wanna be saying, "Oh, I miss you," particularly if you're just starting out and there's no connection yet. You don't wanna say, "Oh, I hope you have a great night," or something like that. These are nice to kind of sum up later after you've had a bunch of good texting, but you don’t want to lead with those.

Those messages cause her to come up with things to say, words, all that kind of thing. Instead, give her interesting things for her to engage with immediately.

The last thing I would say is just bring it back to this: you don't wanna be focused on just this one conversation. She's not gonna wanna text back if you're constantly leaning on her and asking her to be the sole source of your conversations. Text with other friends. Text with other girls until you get to a place where you know the two of you are interested in each other and you're starting to get deeper.

It's to your benefit as a man to have more than one conversation with more than one woman. That relieves the pressure. You do all those things, she's gonna sense that you're busy doing other things. You have an active social life, and she's only a small part of it.

That's a life she might wanna join into, that she might wanna enter into with you. When she sees something that's attractive like that, she's gonna be texting like crazy. She’s gonna be following up on your random message from the morning or the evening.

So yeah, if you wanna keep her texting back, don't focus on her. Give her a larger world that you just give her a little window into, and she’ll want to know more.
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