How do I deal with the end of a relationship?
November 25, 2024
What I think is important when a relationship ends is when anything ends, we have to let it end. And when something comes to an end, it's naturally going to be sad. We have to grieve it. We have to mourn it. We have to let ourselves be sad for a moment. That sadness might be two or three days because it never really—the relationship never really got off the ground. We were hopeful but never really went anywhere.

The relationship might be a long-term one. It might be something that really—that was really with us, and we need to mourn it for weeks or months even. Or if you were married, maybe you need to mourn it for years. Nobody can really give an answer to how long you have to go through that. You have to ask yourself inside, okay, have I let this come to an end? Have I let that relationship die and fall apart and sort of decompose and go back to the natural state?

What I think is unhealthy is to try to go into a relationship while another relationship inside of us has not really come to an end yet. That's the thing to watch out for. And it's definitely going to just layer one story on top of another, on top of another, and we're not gonna be processing the end of anything if we jump right into another relationship.
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