How attached should I be while dating?
Run time: 01:06
November 27, 2024
So I think it's important when we're dating to acknowledge what's happening. We're in the "I'm getting to know you" process, you're in the "getting to know me" process, we're getting to see whether or not we're attracted to each other.
And look, the terminology I like to use for that is hold it loosely. We don't know what's going to happen. They might stop responding at any moment, they might ghost you, and boy, ghosting is just such a toxic thing for anyone to do. It's the coward's way out of communicating. Please, we need to stop it. It's absolutely ridiculous. Everybody just needs to stop it.
But the dating is a space in which things like that happen, to which somebody at any point can say, you know what, this isn't right for me, this isn't the right fit. And if we're not okay with that, then we're not actually dating in a truly open and accepting manner. When I'm asking on a date, if I'm not okay with her rejecting me, I have some work I need to do inside. I need to be able to go on a date with a woman and say, look, let's see how this goes.
And look, the terminology I like to use for that is hold it loosely. We don't know what's going to happen. They might stop responding at any moment, they might ghost you, and boy, ghosting is just such a toxic thing for anyone to do. It's the coward's way out of communicating. Please, we need to stop it. It's absolutely ridiculous. Everybody just needs to stop it.
But the dating is a space in which things like that happen, to which somebody at any point can say, you know what, this isn't right for me, this isn't the right fit. And if we're not okay with that, then we're not actually dating in a truly open and accepting manner. When I'm asking on a date, if I'm not okay with her rejecting me, I have some work I need to do inside. I need to be able to go on a date with a woman and say, look, let's see how this goes.